1) CASEY JOHNSON vs. JASON RAMOS: Nondescript 170lb fighters. Neither looks physically impressive.
Johnson moves around the ring a lot and throws leg kicks. Ramos follows, cuts off the ring, clinches with Johnson. Johnson then basically puts Ramos in a headlock, throws him, and punches him while in a side headlock. Not very impressive work for either. (0)
Coble has stiff robot standup. Garcia, the announcers say, is an adept grappler. Then he pulls off a flying armbar for a tapout. Well, holy shit. (1) for the obviously awesome submission. Garcia is 3-0 as an amateur, still not a pro.
3) AMOS COLLINS vs. BLAYNE WRIGHT: Lightweights.
Both have really sloppy groundwork; all sorts of submissions and positions are just powered out of as this hits the mat early. After a stalemate, there's wild striking and Collins gets the takedown. He had previously mounted Wright and been bucked off with stunning ease, but here he works his way from full guard to full mount in short fashion and then forces Wright to turn over and give his neck. (0)
4) JOHN BRYANT vs. SHANE STAPP: Some sort of ridiculous amateur welterweight promotion title is up for grabs. Seriously, fuck this bullshit in MMA. I'm sick of it. Boxing isn't remotely this bad with title belts.
Stapp gets waaaay low; I imagine this is to prevent the shot and takedown? Apparently lowering his center of balance virtually to the floor only meant that it was a shorter distance between his shoulders and the mat when Bryant inevitably places him there. The story of this fight is simple: Stapp goes for the guillotine. When he doesn't get it, he is slammed or punched very hard repeatedly. When he does get it, Bryant taps out. Bryant taps out in round one from the third guillotine attempt. This is fine and dandy, but not a prescription for a title run. He's listed as not having fought since April, which is probably because he's doing smoker shows or something. (0)
5) Antoine Marcel/Zed Mitchell: A 185 lb contest. Mitchell is a big black dude and Marcel is fat.
Mitchell wins in a matter of seconds. He just throws around his opponent in the clinch and KOs him with punches. Embarassing. (0)
KO OF THE NIGHT: Marcel/Mitchell
OVERALL FOR THE EVENT: 3 out of 10. Fastforwarding through the commercials, I can basically watch it during a lunch break with time to make myself food too.
D&R Rating: 4% (1/25)
Have they been showing the unaired bodog fights on Sun Sports?
I've seen mostly ones that were already aired from the 4th and 5th season. A couple weeks back I caught Alex Stiebling/Moses Rimbon.
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