Wednesday, January 5, 2011

M1 Fighting Championship Episode 6 (?)

Amazingly, these programs have returned to TV, and with them, hey, it looks like a new show! Recorded off of Fox Sports South on 1/5/2011. DirecTV says this episode was originally shown 2/18/2010, which could make it #1, actually. Who knows?

1) Gerhard Ettl vs. Alexie Sitnikov: Who? Heavyweights. From 4/27/2001 (nearly 10 years ago!).

FIGHT: Sitnikov TKO Rnd 1. Ettl basically does nothing all fight effectively and Sitnikov punches and kicks and knees him. Not a huge shock that he's a striker since he's wearing Thai shorts.

3) Dave Vader vs. Sergey Kaznovsky: Also seen this before.

4) Ian Freeman vs. Stanislav Nuschik: !!!!! Freeman was young in this fight. Nuschik is a weird gatekeeper of the olden days. 4/27/2001.

FIGHT: Nuschik TKO Rnd 1. Goes maybe 10 seconds before Nischik lands a straight right/left hook and Freeman is flat on his back staring at the lights.

5) Alexi Vezelozorov vs. Dave Dalgiesh: Another strange fight to see on TV in 2011. Dalgiesh is rocking shoes. From 11/11/2001.

FIGHT: Vezelozorov Submission Rnd 1. Man, a squash. Like all the fights M1 shows. Dalgiesh is all sorts of awkward and gets hit a ton with punches, eventually getting cut and then being dropped and submitted with a RNC.

6) Patrick De Witte vs. Arslan Amatov: Who? De Witte I saw getting taken down and dominated in a fight with someone else I've never heard of. From 11/11/2001.

FIGHT: De Witte TKO Rnd 1. Bizarre brawl with De Witte throwing wild strikes and busting the nose of Amatov and cutting him over his eye. The doctor actually bandages up the eye and lets Amatov back into the ring to take more punishment before a stop eventually comes via doctor after a second stop. Highlight of the bout is De Witte following a right hand that drops Amatov by chasing him, trying to go for some sort of back control, and being hurled over the head of Amatov.

7) Denis Kang vs. Andrei Semenov: Hey now! From 12/5/2003.

FIGHT: Draw. (3)

I will save everyone the skills breakdown because, hey, this fight happened over 7 years ago. The fight plays out with both men looking to impose their superior ground control and shooting for singles and doubles throughout various portions of the bout. In my mind, the guy who does the better job is Kang. Its basically 4 takedowns to 2 by the time the one 10 minute period passes. Additionally, his straight punching is more effective standing than Semenov's more eastern european kickboxing styled standup. I think he basically gets jobbed by the hometown folk, and the rematch went similarly in PRIDE a couple years later.

What the real talking point is here is where Kang was compared to where he is now. His activity level has dropped off tremendously. Everything that he does is not the same. There are raw skills, but the motivation to win is gone. And that's a big problem. Semenov of course went on to suffer numerous losses in a row, get KOed badly, and eventually faded from memory.

OVERALL FOR THE SHOW: 5 out of 10. Lots of carnage but a good fight at the end with meaning behind it.

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